
Sliced Potato Chips VS Compound Potato Chips

If you have a close look on the potato chips you buy from stores, you will find some difference on the package bag. Some states that the potato chips are made from sliced potatoes while others may claims that their potato crisps are made from potato flakes. Perhaps you have never considered such tiny difference and think both are similar. However, to potato chips manufacturers, a miss is as good as a mile. There are lots differences in making sliced fried potato chips and compound potato chips.

Both fried potato chips and compound potato chips are fried in oil which you have to distinguish from baked or puffed potato chips. The main difference in fried potato chips and compound potato crisps is that the former uses fresh potatoes while the latter is made from potato powders and other ingredients powder. Words can not express much while there are two famous potato chips bands you must be familiar: Lay’s(Fried potato chips) and Pringles(compound potato crisps). Click here to learn more. http://potatochipsmachinery.com/news/sliced-potato-chips-vs-compound-chips.html

